- Number of Aadhaar Card (UIDAI) Enrolments in Jharsuguda District of Odisha (As on Febuary, 2018)
- Number of Beneficiaries under Various Social Schemes in Jharsuguda District of Odisha in Jharsuguda District of Odisha (2015-2016)
- Number of Beneficiaries under Madhu Babu Pension Yojana (MBPY) in Jharsuguda District of Odisha (2015-2016)
- Number of Aadhaar Card (UIDAI) Enrolments in Jharsuguda District of Odisha (2014)
- Scheme-wise Release of Funds in Jharsuguda District of Odisha (Upto 26.07.2011)
- Scheme-wise Release of Funds in Jharsuguda District of Odisha (2008-2009)
- Target and Achievement under Odisha Disability Pension Scheme (ODPS) in Jharsuguda District of Odisha (2006-2007)
- Physical and Financial Performance of Swajaldhara Projects in Jharsuguda District of Odisha (As on 31.03.2007)