- Number of Societies, Members, Own Capital, Share Capital, Working Capital and Societies per Lakh of Population of All Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2012-2013)
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Co-operative Banks and Central Land Development Banks in Ambala District of Haryana (2012-2013)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Labour and Construction Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2012-2013)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Housing Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2012-2013)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Share Capital, Own Funds, Working Capital, Deposits, Value of Good Produced/Sold, Profit and Loss of Industrial Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2012-2013)
- Number of Societies, Members, Own Capital, Share Capital, Working Capital and Societies per Lakh of Population of All Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2011-2012)
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Co-operative Banks and Central Land Development Banks in Ambala District of Haryana (2011-2012)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Share Capital, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Central Consumer Stores in Ambala District of Haryana (2011-2012)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Labour and Construction Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2011-2012)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Housing Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2011-2012)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Share Capital, Own Funds, Working Capital, Deposits, Value of Good Produced/Sold, Profit and Loss of Industrial Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2011-2012)
- Number of Societies, Members, Own Capital, Share Capital, Working Capital and Societies per Lakh of Population of All Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2010-2011)
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Co-operative Banks and Central Land Development Banks in Ambala District of Haryana (2010-2011)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Share Capital, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Central Consumer Stores in Ambala District of Haryana (2010-2011)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Labour and Construction Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2010-2011)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Housing Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2010-2011)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Share Capital, Own Funds, Working Capital, Deposits, Value of Good Produced/Sold, Profit and Loss of Industrial Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2010-2011)
- Number of Banks Branches, Share Capital, Own Capital, Working Capital, Deposits, Borrowings, Loan Advances/ Outstanding, Overdues, Banks Profit and loss in Ambala District of Haryana (2010-2011)
- Number of Societies, Members, Own Capital, Share Capital, Working Capital and Societies Per Lakh of Population of All Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2009-2010)
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Co-operative Banks and Central Land Development Banks in Ambala District of Haryana (2009-2010)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Labour and Construction Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2009-2010)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Housing Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2009-2010)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Share Capital, Own Funds, Working Capital, Deposits, Value of Good Produced/Sold, Profit and Loss of Industrial Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2009-2010)
- Number of Societies, Members, Own Capital, Share Capital, Working Capital and Societies Per Lakh of Population of All Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2008-2009)
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Co-operative Banks and Central Land Development Banks in Ambala District of Haryana (2008-2009)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Share Capital, Own Funds, Working Capital, Deposits, Value of Good Produced/Sold, Profit and Loss of Industrial Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2008-2009)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Housing Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2008-2009)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Labour and Construction Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2008-2009)
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Central Co-operative Banks, Central and Primary Land Development Banks in Ambala District of Haryana (2006-2007)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Share Capital, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Central Consumer Stores in Ambala District of Haryana (2006-2007)
- Number of Societies, Membership, Own Funds, Working Capital, Profit and Loss of Housing Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2006-2007)
- Selected Statistics of Industrial Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2006-2007)
- Number of Societies, Members, Own Capital, Share Capital, Working Capital and Societies Per Lakh of Population of All Co-operative Societies in Ambala District of Haryana (2006-2007)